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Deeper Details Coming Soon!
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The Spiral Path Herbal Apprenticeship
January ~ October 2024


Welcome to the Spiral Path,
an Herbal Apprenticeship
for Women

Thank you for you interest in The Spiral Path Herbal Apprenticeship.

This is not allopathic herbalism. This is not symptom based herbalism. This is whole-human healing herbalism. Recognizing that we are not separate parts, and we are not separate from the whole, and we are not separate from the Light of Nature that pulsates through every living thing. In order to heal we need to heal on a multidimensional level, not just our physical bodies. It is my intention to weave the science and spiritual side of herbalism and support you on your Plant Path by instilling deep intuition, an abundance of knowledge, and an embodied connection to Gaia and the medicine she so generously provides. We will meeting one weekend per month in person, as well as gather on zoom twice monthly.

Stay connected for all the details! Applications will be available on Autumn Equinox.

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Simply enter "I would like to be on the waitlist" in the box.

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 Brand Design: Allegra Cacace-Shortill

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